Sunday, October 14, 2007

Geologist Resume - Sample Science Resume

Geologist Resume - Sample Science Resume


John Carl Freeman
123, Ellis Street
Boston, MA, 01234
(123) 456 789

A supervisory/management position with a p opportunity to utilize geological background.

Geologist - Daystar Co., Brookfield, WI (1988-Present) Carry out research and development work on ceramics. Worked with group on the geological aspects of client projects. The types of work performed covered research on production problems and product work for a lime manufacturer. Directly responsible to the client's research director. Handled research problems on the preparation of raw materials for production handling, i.e. preparing feed prior to heat treatment. (Pelletizing and briquetting).
Set up and supervised a brief training program for a manufacturer to train non-technical personnel in the weight aggregates for the purpose of evaluating quality.
Handled petrographic and mineralogical work on processed and raw materials to evaluate mineral content and structurte as well as other characteristic which can be determined only by the use of petrographic techniques.

Engineering Aide - Harmony Inc., Milwaukee, WI (1984)
Worked with a field crew performing various types of soil testing, to assure contractors adherence to government contract specifications.

Research Assistant - Pennsylvania Geological Survey, University of Pennsylvania (1983)
Worked on heavy and light mineral separation and analysis for the purpose of correlating various Pennsylvania glacial deposits.

Boston University, Boston, MA Chatham College, Pittsburgh, PA B.A. degree in Geology, 1982 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA One year of graduate study in Geology, 1983. (Research Assistant, Pennsylvania Geological Survey).

U.S. Army (1985-1988). Served in the Infantry and Engineers. Tour of duty in Iceland for one year. Worked with Engineering Corps on demolition and other field problems.

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