Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Working on a Sample Job Resume for Nurses

It will take some time before the hospital or the clinic will respond so the nurse should continue sending this out to other places until the person has a job.
When the nurse is called for an interview, it pays to dress smart and come on time. It will also be a good idea to bring a printed copy since a lot of things could have transpired which should be added to the resume.
Some people will land a job a few months after graduation. Others will not be that lucky and will just have to patient until an opportunity comes along.
The nurse may transfer to another clinic or hospital after only a few months. At least now, the person can add a little bit of work experience to the resume which will surely be some plus points when there is a vacancy.
Those who want to create a good impression should probably review some samples again and proofread it before sending an attachment to potential employers.

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Good Resume Examples

Effectively getting your point across to the employer is of utmost importance. You want them to know you are the person for the job and you are willing to do whatever it takes to make the employer happy. By utilizing the examples above and keeping all of the information on the resume, on a professional basis, you should have no problem getting the job you have always wanted.

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Sample Resume Objectives - Good, But Summaries Are Smokin'!

Good grief! If the example resume objective a few paragraphs ago was solid, that summary will leave a reader gasping for air.
Put a summary like that in a resume (with your own qualifications in it, of course), and you'll almost certainly get a phone call for a job interview.
I can hear you saying that whoever has the summary you just read can walk on water. What about lowly old you? Here's what I used on my last resume, and I wasn't a high-powered executive either:
"Results-oriented software developer and consulting project manager with six years' experience at Big 5 firm. Experienced OO developer with particular expertise in Java and Extreme Programming (XP). Over seven years' experience developing software and managing projects in challenging, fast-paced consulting environments. Demonstrated ability to acquire technical knowledge and skills rapidly. Innovative problem solver, able to see the business and technical sides of a problem. Proven leadership, negotiation and problem resolution abilities. Exceptional communication skills, both oral and written. Published author and conference speaker."
See? That summary needs some improvement, but it shows mere mortals can do it too. That means you can.
A powerfully stated objective statement makes your resume pop. A powerfully stated summary makes it a thermonuclear explosion. Most others in the resume pile (and there's always a pile) have objectives that translate into "get a job." Then you come along with a Sherman tank summary. They're dead meat.
Make no mistake, job search is war. Powerful summaries give you an advantage.

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