Sunday, October 14, 2007

Forest Scientist Resume - Sample Science Resume

Forest Scientist Resume - Sample Science Resume


John Carl Freeman
123, Ellis Street
Boston, MA, 01234
(123) 456 789

7/92-Present WASHINGTON STATE PARK, Olympia, WA
Director of Buildings & Grounds
  • Handle administrative duties for 850-acre state park.
  • Oversee an annual operating budget in excess of $500,000.
  • Supervise field surveys and database development.
  • Prepare bid documents for contractual services.
  • Consult and coordinate scientists, engineers and other professionals for special projects.
  • Develop maintenance schedules for pruning, pest and weed control, fertilization and pH adjustments. Maintain park records, inventories and maps.
  • Propagate desirable trees and/or plants from seed or cuttings to increase or replace plants in the park collection.
  • Provide information to horticulturists, arborists, students, teachers and the public regarding plants and trees in the park.

WINSTON-SALEM PARK COMMISSION, Winston-Salem, NC 7/88-6/92 Forest Scientist

  • Designed and supervised the layout and implementation of horticultural plantings for several state-owned parks and land reservations.
  • Supervised total maintenance program.
  • Researched and sought sources for tree and plant acquisitions.
  • Planned pest control program.
  • Handled overall curation of the collections.

6/85-8/88 PRINCESS GARDENS, Winston-Salem, NC
Worked summers and weekends during college, gaining experience in all phases of planning and planting public display gardens.

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