Job Fairs
Whether you call them job fairs, career expos, or hiring events...they're all the same. And they are a good opportunity to meet with a lot of companies who are are hiring...and to do so in a concentrated period of time.. For the corporate recruiter, they offer an opportunity to reach interviewing terminal velocity--the highest possible number of prospects in the shortest possible amount of time. For many students, job fairs provide a "freebie" opportunity to meet with hiring employers.
Usually free for job applicants, job fairs are held in a convention center, hotel ballroom or other large facility. You'll find large cities hosting several job fairs per year.
Usually a full 50 percent or more of the attendees at job fairs are "window shoppers" who are just browsing to see what is available. While this approach may seem valid, take note that job fairs are not a "get acquainted session" for you to meet prospective employers. They are multiple interview sessions where the plain vanilla candidates are stepped on and over by those who are targeted and prepared. Yes, even the two to three minute greeting and exchange of sound bites is considered a real interview. You are being evaluated, whether it is for thirty seconds or thirty minutes. You always need to be at your very best. If you are to succeed at the job fair of the new millenium, you have to take a very aggressive yet structured approach.
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