Sunday, October 14, 2007

Conservation Secientist Resume - Sample Science Resume

Conservation Secientist Resume - Sample Science Resume

Relevant volunteer work and summer employment strengthens the graduated candidate's sa,ple comservative scientist resume. Also the valuable skills are highlighted in a separate section.

Free Conservation Secientist Resume Example

John Carl Freeman
123, Ellis Street
Boston, MA, 01234
(123) 456 789

A challenging position in the environmental science field.

Environmental Science, Bachelor of Science Degree
May, 1994
Physics, Associate of Science Degree
May, 1990
Senior Thesis: "After the Rain: The Decline of Brazil's Forests"

Sept. 1992-Present: Environmental Research Associates, Oberlin, OH
Laboratory Assistant
Organic extractions laboratory assistant processing soil and water samples for trace organic analysis of pesticides, and herbicides. Performing set funnel extractions, creating surrogate solutions, maintaining laboratory inventory of glassware and chemicals, waste disposal, and clean up.

Summer 1992: Brazil Forestry Station for Research, Brasilia, Brazil
Volunteer laboratory assistant testing soil samples and cuttings for traces of pesticides and pcb's. Performed organic analysis of vegetation. Maintained records of daily temperature and precipitation level.

Sept 1991-May 1992: Oberlin College-Science Laboratory, Oberlin, Ohio
Customer Service Representative
Performed computer record maintenance and customer service.

Summer 1990: Town of Pepper Pike, Pepper Pike, Ohio
Surveyor's Assistant
Assisted civil engineer in surveying, also researched municipal records.

Sept. 1988-May 1990: Oberlin College-Physics Department, Oberlin, Ohio
Research Assistant
Research assistant for Advanced Electronic Measurements course, involved general electronic repair.

FORTRAN and basic computer programming.
Certified in Laboratory Standards and Safety Course, 1992.

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