Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Computers Resume - Sample MIS Manager Resume

Computers Resume - Sample MIS Manager Resume

The sample MIS manager resume, computers resume, consist of technical summary which clearly spells out candidate's computer skills. The MIS manager resume, free resume example, can be changed based on your computer skills and experience.

Free MIS manager resume sample

John Carl Freeman
123, Ellis Street
Boston, MA, 01234
(123) 456 789

Hardware Platforms: PC's, Workstations, Mainframes, Servers
Operating Systems: VMS, MVS, DOS, ULTRIX/UNIX, CP/M
Networks: DECNET, TCP/IP
Approaches: OODB, Client Servers, Remote Data Access, RDB, DBMS, CAD/CAM, EDI, CASE, 4GL's


NILES CORPORATION (1982 to Present)

Ultrix Systems and Software, MIS Manager (1991 to Present)
Developed and implemented an overall information architecture for the manufacturing and engineering operational units of the low end business. Directed the efforts focused on utilizing client/server technology for manufacturing plants in the United States and Canada- Managed 24 professionals and an annual budget of $2.7 million, as well as a computer resource group that serviced 1,200 customers. Managed downsizing which resulted in budget reductions.

Consultant & Information Systems Marketing (1988 to 1991)
Major responsibility was to be the MIS subject matter expert for the development of courses designed to educate senior sales and software service people on MIS functions, its problems, and Digital's solutions. Designed and implemented various seminars and symposiums for the purpose of educating customers. All these activities resulted in increased sales and the establishment of new accounts.

Field Service Logistics (FLS) IS Manager (1986 to 1988)
Directed the design, development and implementation of the New Business Process. Directed and managed a staff of senior MIS professionals which implemented the MRPII application in multiple locations. The result was a 25% savings in inventory and expense reductions of $10 million.

MIS Manager, Low-End Business Center (1985 to 1986)
Directed MIS activities in support of order processing business unit with high-volume activity. In order to stabilize the operations, analyzed the operation, hired staff, proposed investments, and drove solutions. The result was smoother operations, quicker response to customers' orders, and reduced indirect labor costs.

Manager, Personal Data Systems (1982 to 1985)
Managed and directed the PDS Department in the pursuit of its long-range plan, the main focus of which was to deliver a distributed data base system. Resulted in reduced labor costs at headquarters and quicker response to employees.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1986). Master of Science in Computer Science
Boston University (1972). Bachelor of Business Administration (Accounting) Currently enrolled in the Certified Financial Planning program

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