Computers Resume - Sample Hardware Engineer Resume
Technical knowledge is highlighted in skills section of the sample hardware engineer resume, computers resume, and summary of qualifications gives an overview of candidate's career. The hardware engineer resume, free resume example, can be improved based on your computers skills and experience.
Free hardware engineer resume sample
Carl Furman
123, Ellis Street
Boston, MA, 01234
(123) 456 789
Summary of Qualification
Over four years experience in the computer engineering field, with responsibilities including Qualifications: architectural, ASIC, and board level design on products ranging from low-cost desktop workstations to high performance graphics workstations.
Rochester, NYStarr Computer, Inc.
1990 to Present Senior Hardware Engineer
Designed an intelligent, cache-coherent, Futurebus+, single board computer running VxWorks Real-Time OS on an Intel 80960CA with Ethernet, SCSI, and serial ports.
Defined the architecture for the I/O board.
Performed schematic capture, PLD design, and board layout.
Simulated the design with RTL and Verilog.
Debugged the board and system.
Buffalo, NY1987-1990 Browning Corporation
Senior Hardware Engineer (1989-1990)
Lead a design group for a 30K gate LSI 100K gate array for I/O.
Created a gate array design environment using Synopsys and Verilog.
Designed the Ethernet interface and part of the I/O Gate Array.
Defined the I/O for a low-cost Magnus 88110 system with EISA.
Hardware Engineer II (1987-1989)
Designed part of the first Magnus 88000 based workstation.
Defined the I/O architecture.
Designed the Ethernet interface.
Developed the PROM I/O drivers for graphics and keyboard.
Assisted test engineering with the ramp up for workstation product.
West Lafayette, IN1986-1987 Purdue University
Graduate Research Assistant
Programmed part of a single user PLATO operating system.
Wrote I/O device drivers, graphics device drivers, kernel routines, and portions of the compiler.
West Lafayette, INPurdue University
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, May 1987.
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, January 1986.
Design Tools: LSI Logic, Synopsys, Verilog, Ikos, Mentor, ABEL, RTL. Programming Languages: Assembler (PDP11, 8086, 68000, 88100), Basic, C, C++, FORTRAN, FP, Lisp, Pascal, Path Pascal, PL/1. TUTOR. Operating Systems and software environments: UNIX, AOSA/S, Domain, NOS, PLATO, X-windows, OSF/Motif.
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