Friday, September 28, 2007

What Your Resume Can Do For You

CV Resume - What Your Resume Can Do For You


A well-written resume that accurately represents your knowledge, experience and abilities will enhance your profile for a prospective employer.

You can be viewed more favourably than your competition if you are better prepared and organized and this is what your well-written resume will demonstrate.

It should be a factual and flattering representation of your working history and future potential for a prospective employer.

Your resume should be clear and concise and speak volumes about your potential as a new employee.

Employers do not wish to read reams of information; they simply want to gain an insight into the character and ability of the potential employee.

Your resume will simply get you a foot in the door and this will only be achieved if your resume receives the attention it deserves.

Your resume should reflect your achievements, your actions and your personal characteristics. It should detail your personal contribution to the business you were employed in and not personal opinions or observations.

It is simply a very effective screening tool, which is used to save time and money within the recruitment process itself. Prospective employers will quickly determine if you are a candidate with skills and abilities that match their requirements.

As you prepare to write your resume keep the above points in mind and use your resume to accurately represent and enhance your experience and knowledge.

Your resume will gain you the interview you desire but remember it can only do this if it is well written and effective.

Your resume has one objective; it must gain you that all-important interview where you can personally demonstrate your potential to your prospective employer.

As you begin to prepare your resume keep this in mind at all times.

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