Saturday, July 26, 2008

How To Write A Resume - Using Your Resume to Secure Your Dream Job

Free Resume Samples Articles : How To Write A Resume - Using Your Resume to Secure Your Dream Job by Michael Lee

Most of us have the misconception that our curriculum vitae or resume is just a simple document that lists our educational/work background and contact information. However, if you really want to land the job of your dreams, you must learn how to write a resume professionally.
Contrary to what many think, a resume and how it is presented is a key element to getting hired - even if it's just a piece of paper.

Hiring agencies advise that job applicants should not flood their resumes with unnecessary data, like their hobbies, languages they speak, or anything that's not related to the position they are looking to fill.

To stress how crucial it is to come up with a good resume, there are even books and web sites that give lessons on how to write a resume in an impressive manner, but without boring the reader.

For one, a good resume is brief and concise. This means it contains only the information relevant to the job. For example, if you're applying to become a restaurant supervisor, there's no need to list down the awards you received for dancing.

In fact, if you can condense everything to just one page, it would be best. Employers hate having to fiddle through pages of "merits," because they're really just concerned with what you have done that's related to their industry.

You can read up on different tips on how to write a resume and each will probably tell you a different thing. The truth is, while the general rules of resume writing are the standard, there is no ideal way to create it.

If this sounds confusing, how you present your resume really depends on what kind of company you are trying to get into. You can be creative if the job requires it. But to be on the safe side, keep it clean and professional-looking. Don't go overboard.

Books on how to write a resume will tell you different formulas according to the industry you're applying to. But aside from professionalism, it's also all about gut feel. Study the company you're interested in and try to learn a thing or two about it's culture -- and then you will see what information your C.V. needs to contain to win yourself a callback.

About the Author
Use powerful conversational hypnosis and persuasion techniques to secure your dream job and influence people to your way of thinking. Grab your FREE course that reveals 10 groundbreaking persuasion secrets at:

Source: Free resume examples, resume templates, resume writing information at

Resume Tips For Career Fairs And Online Job Banks

Free Resume Examples Articles : Resume Tips For Career Fairs And Online Job Banks by Heather Eagar

If you're all set to attend a career fair - or are looking to post your resume on an online job bank - and are concerned about how to create a resume for companies you have yet to meet, you are not alone.

Fortunately, there are ways to create great resumes capable of catching the eyes of potential recruiters no matter what venue you're working with. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

Conduct Research to Gauge Recruiters

Whether you're looking to leave your resumes with recruiters at a career fair, or post them on online job banks, it helps to research the companies you're interested in working with so that you can better tailor your accomplishments.

Many career fairs spend a good amount of time advertising their arrival weeks in advance. This means that you have time to research all of the companies attending so that you can create one or more resumes for each one you're interested in working for.

As for online job banks, while you won't know who is out there recruiting, you can still gain a slight edge on your competition by researching job specifications at the companies in which you're interested. This way, you can proactively tailor your resume to focus on skills and achievements that will appeal to those recruiters.

Make Your Career Fair Resume Brief and Scannable

At a career fair, it is likely that you will be the fifth, sixth, or even sixtieth person that recruiters have seen that day. Since they might be overwhelmed by the number of resumes they've received, it is a good idea to keep yours brief - one or two pages is fine.

Also, it is becoming a common practice for many companies to scan resumes into a computer after they leave the fair. So to be safe, try making yours scannable by using fonts like Times New Roman, Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, Tahoma and Courier in font sizes anywhere from 9 to 12 points.

Use Plenty of Keywords When Posting Online

As you have probably guessed, recruiters are busy people with tons of resumes to look through everyday - especially when searching through job banks where there may be thousands of resumes posted. So as a benefit to these recruiters, most job banks offer an on-site, customizable search engine. While this feature makes searching easier for the recruiter, if you don't include specific keywords in your resume before posting it, it is likely that yours will never be found.

A good way to combat this issue is by saturating your resume with keywords related to your desired job. If you don't know which words to use, try conducting your own keyword search on the Internet until you begin finding field-related information. It may seem like an unconventional way to create a resume, but it is actually a good strategy for ranking near the top of most keyword searches.

Anticipating the unknown when writing resumes can seem like a difficult task. But if you take the right steps, and have a good attitude along the way, you will encounter your career success sooner than you think.

About the Author
Heather Eagar, a former professional resume writer provides working professionals with effective job search tools and information. Check out reviews of Resume Writing Services at

Source: Free resume examples, resume templates information at

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Resume Writer - Does Your Career Hunt Need a Boost?

Free Resume Examples Articles : Resume Writer - Does Your Career Hunt Need a Boost? by CK Tan

Hiring a resume writer can serve as a boost to your career search, but do you need one? If you ask a writer, the answer will no doubt be one sided. If you apply for jobs only to never hear back from the hiring manager, a writer will tell you that you need professional help. Before you hire a writer, however, you should think about the following:

Read over your resume. There could be spelling and grammatical mistakes that you're not aware of. These are a huge turn off to potential employers. Take a moment to think about the language that you used. Can you change the wording to make it sound more professional?

Is your resume relevant? If you are in the midst of a career change, your resume may not be relevant to the position you are applying for. Trim away experience and qualifications that do not qualify you for the job you are applying for. A mixed resume is confusing to employers. Show them why you are qualified for the job by highlighting pertinent experience only.

Find ways to make your resume stand out from others. Highlighting your accomplishments is a great way to do this. Woo your future boss and show them why you are a great hire.

If you are still unhappy with your resume, you may want to consider hiring a resume writer. A professionally-polished resume may get you noticed, but it is not a guarantee of employment. Hiring a writer can be expensive as well. So, you should always weight the benefits against the drawbacks before you hire a writer.

Before you hire any writer, you should be sure of their qualifications. There are many people that say they can do the job, but can they? Always ask for writing samples and a fee structure outline ahead of time. Look for a service that has a flawless reputation. You may also want to select a professional that offers additional job seeking services as well.

If you need help finding a writer, start with the Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches (PARW/CC). This association can provide you with a list of writers and an outline of their qualifications. All of the writers listed are certified and meet industry standards. If you choose not to use this service, be sure to research any writer or company that you plan to hire. Hiring a resume writer is not a task that should be taken lightly. It's your money and your career on the line. Make sure that you get what you pay for.

About the Author
CK Tan is the owner of, a web site dedicated to assisting job seekers secure a job in Asia. If you need help in your Asia job search or looking for a job opening in Asia, visit

Source: Free resume examples, resume templates information at

7 Tips to Selecting a Professional Resume Service

Free Resume Examples Articles : 7 Tips to Selecting a Professional Resume Service by Laura SmithProulx

Many people question the differences among resume services, and it's no wonder: the Internet is bursting with companies that claim to make you "look good" with a minimum of investment.
Considering that you'll spend more waking hours on your career than any other activity (with your salary riding on this decision!), it makes sense to thoroughly check out these services.

Ensure that your efforts result in a powerful resume that opens doors by looking for a writer that offers:

1) - Verifiable Credentials. Certification is a MAJOR distinction between dedicated professionals and "hobby" writers. Becoming a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW), Certified Expert Resume Writer (CERW), or Nationally Certified Resume Writer (NCRW) requires a candidate to pass a rigorous exam judged by industry experts—with a high failure rate.

Some companies claim certifications that haven't earned them, so be wary. Verify CPRW, CERW, or NCRW status by visiting the Professional Association of Resume Writers at, Career Directors International at, or the National Resume Writer's Association at to search for the writer's name and credentials.

2) - Samples. Look carefully at resume samples to discern the extent of the writer's business knowledge. A clear strategy should be evident on each resume, plus a keen understanding of the industry and career goal.

If the writer won't show you sample work, consider moving on to another.

3) - Actual Recruiting/Job Hunting Experience. True resume experts couple their professional training with REAL-WORLD experience as a hiring manager or recruiter.

You can also look for corporate experience on BOTH sides of the hiring table; former job hunters offer a valuable perspective that cannot be learned in other ways.

4) - Dedication to Ongoing Development. Here's a tip: writers who achieve the strongest results tend to belong to at least one professional career industry association.

With participation in these organizations, most members avail themselves of continuing development opportunities to learn the latest strategies that will deliver results for YOUR resume.

5) - Published Work. If you pick up a resume book on or at your local library, chances are it contains the work of a select few writers compared to each other WORLDWIDE by the publisher.

In other words, resume writers who have had work chosen for publication are among the cream of the crop.

6) - Guarantee. Look closely at the type of guarantee or other verification of quality offered by a resume writer. Do they stand behind their work?

If so, this means that you, the customer, will receive an expertly crafted document that is fully tuned to meet a hiring manager's expectations.

7) - Professional-Level Pricing. This may seem like an odd criterion, but think about it: writers who charge less than $200 are literally telling you that they either unwilling or unable to devote sufficient time to your project. Many will simply reformat your information without an in-depth consultation.

Make no mistake about it: a masterpiece resume that truly markets your strengths requires critical analysis of your goals, PLUS content.

A skilled writer will take presentation, keywords, and information placement into consideration, plus possess knowledge of your field. It's a time-consuming process!

Keep in mind that many excellent resume writers exist, along with a few who may fall short of your expectations.

Your best bet is to carefully assess each company's credentials and offerings--since your future earning power and career happiness will depend on it.

About the Author
A unique resume authority and former recruiter, Laura Smith-Proulx, CCMC, CPRW, CIC has achieved a 98% interview success rate for fast-track professionals. With published work in career bestsellers, Laura is a certified writer that maintains active membership in career industry associations. Get Laura's FREE 7-Part E-Course on "The 7 Biggest Resume Mistakes That Can Keep You From a $100K+ Job" at .

Source: Free Resume Examples, Resume Templates articles at

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Professional Resume - What It Takes To Get that Perfect & Professional Resume

Free Resume Examples Articles : Professional Resume - What It Takes To Get that Perfect & Professional Resume by Pete Miguel

So, you need a professional resume for a good position you have persistently been aiming at? If you think this is not a simple task to do, then I should say you sure do have the right mindset to accomplish such a goal. Selling your credentials, experiences and skills in order to land on your desired job requires the right balance between a business tone and personal creativity.

If your desired job happens to be in the professional service industry, I assume that you must be aware that this field is indeed one of the most challenging tasks out there as a career. Prospective employers will be more keenly analytical of your professional resume since they will be looking for what it is exactly you can do for them, and not just degrees or character references.

You need to emphasize what qualities you posses that can immediately be put into use at the workplace. Dazzling them with fancy titles and schools won't be as necessary compared to what exact service you can offer them. It's not actually helpful to think that the professional service type of work is beginning to boom nowadays more than ever - this fact actually creates even more competition for you as an applicant.

Selling your intentions, qualities and skills have to be given extra emphasis to push your chances further up the top. A good and professional resume needs to justify, summarize, and best of all - it should sell your best potentials as an employee for that position. Well, you should know that the secret is always in how you say it, not just what you say. Coming up with an Interview winning type of Professional Resume is, quite again, not something you leave to chance but something you should really be working out for.

You have two options in addressing this need: do a thorough research on the position and copy similar samples or templates you can find by doing search engine inquiries. Another good solution is to seek for professional assistance. It is advisable that you put extra careful consideration when choosing how to create your professional resume - after all, this one piece of document will determine whatever better chances you will have for the morrow. It may seem like a small step, but it will always be the first real step towards achieving a successful path in your career.

All that your prospective employer will know of you will be what's on that one piece of paper - you have to sell your skills the best way you can! It will always be how you say it as you would in real life, more than what you say. Among millions of applicants, why should you be considered? Well, you do not really need to answer that question after all, "let your perfectly written professional resume do the talking for you".

So, if you are thinking or planning to go for an interview in the upcoming days, remember to wear a face that exudes strong confidence. While your resume do all the talking for you, make sure that you act accordingly to what your resume tells of you.

About the Author
Do you want to learn and discover how to create a professional resume almost instantly? You don't have to try all the different resume services just to come up with your own perfect resume.
Pete Miguel has good passion of helping other people in achieving their goals toward career advancement.

Source: Free resume examples, professional resume articles at

10 Resume writing tips to land you your dream job

Free Resume Examples Articles : 10 Resume writing tips to land you your dream job by Rajat Rajwansh

Imagine yourself sitting in an employer's desk with hundreds of resumes falling in on your desk against a vacancy declared by you in your company. Number of vacancy - 1, and number of applicants - innumerable. As an employer it is your responsibility to select the most deserving, suitable and competent candidate. So it is up to the candidate to snatch the employer's attention out of those hundreds of resume application. As such, writing a resume is all about knowing what employers specifically look for in an applicant's application. So, never make the mistake of underestimating the importance of a "good and eye-catching resume".

Now, a good and a perfect resume is not an allegory. Neither has it anything to do with the elite schools or exceptional work experience. A blue collar worker may have a exceptional CV, while the resume of a white collar professional may have a poorly written one. A good resume is your first step at the door of a good job; you must well-understand that it is your representative to an employer before you get there. A resume centers round the detailed info about a candidate that is truthful, brief and to the point; not something that is exaggerated or unnecessarily long.

There are certain things that a good and perfect curriculum vita has within its set margins.

1. First of all, decide the format of your resume. Decide whether you want it to be in a functional or chronological format. 2. Write your resume in active verbs. 3. Highlight your skills and objectives. Make it your resume headline. 4. Be specific about your professional background. If you are an experienced person, mention your tenure with previous employers; and in case you are a fresher, define your professional qualifications. 5. Define your current pay scale. And don't forget to put down your expected salary. 6. If your CV is targeted towards a specific career path or employer, then you must know all their requirements and mention them in your resume very clearly. Research and know the qualities that will prove to be beneficial to the employer and think about how your capabilities match those qualities. 7. Next, be particular to provide every minute personal detail. Highlight your contact details. 8. Be professional, concise, brief and clean. Avoid from being too flashy with your resume design. 9. Stick to writing one page cover letter as far as possible. 10. Last but not the least, be sure to edit and re-edit your resume once you are done with writing it.

Remember, the objective of your resume is to unleash your accomplishments and qualifications to the employer's committee. Think it to be a promotional brochure, a pamphlet displaying your organizational and career skills.

About the Author
Rajat Gupta is an esteemed resume writer who works with a resume writing firm. His website is located at

Source: Free resume examples, resume writing articles at

Monday, July 14, 2008

Resume Tips For Those Lacking Job Experience

Free Resume Articles : Resume Tips For Those Lacking Job Experience by Heather Eagar

Are you looking to acquire your first job in many years - or your first job ever - and have heard that without experience you have no chance of finding employment? Well rest assured that this couldn't be more wrong.

Employers understand that good employees are not solely created from skills gained on previous jobs; they are also created from skills acquired through life experience. The trick, however, is to highlight these skills while expressing your overall potential in your resume.

Use Life Experience to Your Advantage

If you're at a loss for how to start your resume writing process when you have one or no jobs to list, you can always begin with your life experiences. For example, if at some point you sat in as a receptionist at your grandmother's small store, you probably learned how to organize information, answer phones professionally, and manage customers - all job-worthy skills.

Or maybe you spent some time volunteering for Habitat for Humanity while in school. This community service effort teaches hard work and organization, both of which count as skills you can take with you into a job setting. By including these and other experiences in your resume, and describing them in specific detail (how often you volunteered, how many customers you assisted, etc.), you can successfully translate them into job skills.

List Coursework and Awards

Another way to help broaden your skill set is by listing courses you have taken in school that are relevant to the job you are applying for. If you are not in school but have taken relevant training courses, listing these works just as well. Also, if you've won awards or have notable achievements under your belt, try to find room for them as they can give greater insight into your character.

Make Use of Your Cover Letter

Many people don't understand the relevance of a cover letter and often don't include it with their resume unless it is specifically requested. However, the cover letter provides prospective employers with the landscaping they need to understand the person applying for their job.

This is also true for those who don't have an extensive employment history. In this case, the cover letter allows you to describe in greater detail what experiences you've acquired over the years. Even more, it can give you the opportunity to express your passion for the job you're applying for, which is equally as important.

Seek Guidance from a Professional

If you feel uncomfortable about starting a job search after so many years - or for the first time - then it never hurts to consult a professional resume writer or career advisor to help you organize your experiences into a neat presentation. They can not only dig deep to discover the job skills you've acquired over the years, but they can also give you tips on how to build confidence as you approach the unfamiliar terrain of a job search.

Jump-starting your career when it seems you have no experience can feel like an impossible task. But with the right tools, and a little confidence, you will make your way into the workforce in no time.

About the Author
Heather Eagar is a former professional resume writer and is passionate about providing working professionals with current, reliable and effective job search tools and information. Check out reviews of the top Resume Writing Services in the industry at

Source: Free Resume articles at

The Resume Catalog by Yana Parker Book Review

Free Resume Articles : The Resume Catalog by Yana Parker Book Review by Lisa McGrimmon

Yana Parker's book, The Resume Catalog - 200 Damn Good Examples, is my favorite resource for resume samples.

When I worked at an employment resource center, I referred clients to this book almost every day. It's well organized and full of good resume help and examples that provide plenty of ideas for resume layout and content. It is one thing to understand, in theory, how to write a resume, but it's also extremely helpful to have several good resume samples on hand to give you inspiration for your own resume; you'll find that in this book.

I have found that often people really struggle to describe their skills and professional accomplishments when they are writing resumes. Either people minimize their skills and don't give themselves full credit for all of the experience they have acquired; they have done a job for so long, they have trouble thinking through all of the skills that just come naturally at this point; or they just have never taken the time to sit down and think through all of their marketable skills.

Whatever the reason, if you haven't written a lot of resumes, it can be challenging to remember all of the skills, and experience you have that can be used to write "Damn Good Resumes." The resume examples in Yana Parker's book can be used to provide plenty of inspiration for your own resume.

The Resume Catalog - 200 Damn Good Examples will provide you with good resume samples if you are looking for work in management, human resources, office administration, education, sales, finance, counseling, health or marketing. There is a section with technical and computer related resume examples, however, high tech industries have changed so profoundly in the past few years, I'd recommend using a very current, specialized resource for technical resume examples.

If your career goals don't fit within the list above, you can check out another book by Yana Parker, Blue Collar and Beyond - Resumes for Skilled Trades and Services. This book is also a great resource that I used with clients on a regular basis. It provides great resume samples, but in this book you'll find examples of resumes for people who work in the automotive industry, construction and maintenance, customer service, hotel, restaurant and food service, administrative positions, skilled trades and manufacturing.

These two books, The Resume Catalog - 200 Damn Good Examples and Blue Collar and Beyond - Resumes for Skilled Trades and Services are wonderful because they help you get down to resume writing quickly. You won't have to read endless pages to get the information you need. The resume examples quickly illustrate exactly what you need to know to get inspiration for your own resumes.

About the Author
Lisa McGrimmon is a freelance author who publishes Career Choice Guide, a job search and career choice resource guide. For more resume ideas please visit her site.

Source: Free Resume Articles at

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Resume writing

Free Resume Examples Articles : Resume writing by Jawad Ahmad Riaz

A very true actuality is that for the most part of people don't have an inkling what an employer desires to make out in a resume, yet when they consider they do. Numerous people associate a resume with an effortless job application. A group wishes to know what you do even as on the career, right. How do / did you be obvious in the midst of others who have apprehended the identical job? And do you build or keep the boss prosperity? Did you begin any innovative processes or events? You can satisfy your boss with your resume.

Keep in mind one thing that your resume should do work for you and for this the bottom line of your resume must look good on paper because these simple paper may change your whole life and may be your all dream comes true. Actually your resume is your personal tool which you can use at the time of need and click to future. Always use your selling tool with outlines that prove your skills and experience without speaking. Resume writing must be unique that helpful to achieve your targeted aim. If your resume content keywords are rich then no one can stop your dream.

Most likely if not you are an expert proficient writer who can also candidly seem at your own power and fault neutrally. As there are Lots of Resume books on the souk and online websites that providing these type services without any cost Resume samples .You can find all type of answers related to resume writing such as what is resuming?, samples of resumes, cover letters, resume related tips and much more you demand from a resume related site.

We are providing you best source of resume writing as Resume writing. Here you can make a resume upload it for job and can makes your future. You resume defines you to latent employers. Through Resume samples discover how to inscribe one that will make a first-rate notion. Find out about different resume samples. Search out the specifics on assortment and other resume correlated credentials. So leave the worries let write your resume and send it to all over the world to achieve your dream.

About the Author
Resume samples and Online Resume Get resume URL

Source: Free Resume Samples articles at

3 Ways to Tell if You Need More Than One Resume by Laura SmithProulx

Free Resume Examples Articles : 3 Ways to Tell if You Need More Than One Resume by Laura SmithProulx

You've probably heard that employers expect to see an exact match to their skills on your resume, and that you should be tailoring your resume to each job. But, you might think—if I do that, I'll be writing forever!

Relax ' there's a point to customizing your resume to meet the needs of employers. In The Career Champion newsletter, I regularly cover the fact that a resume needs to deliver a clear message in order to be effective. However, this doesn't mean that every resume you send must be a completely different version.

If you're unsure of the actual breaking point between one resume and another, here are 3 ways to tell if you'll need an encore version:

1) Your skills aren't focused on one main career goal.

My clients often find that they can target one particular job type by showing strengths for that role. If they wish to pursue a similar position, I recommend that they change a few words here and there.

However, if they focus on an entirely DIFFERENT job type, that's another matter. It's hard to convince employers of your business development skills, for example, if your resume is centered around your expertise in operations management.

By the same token, if you see yourself with a "fallback" option of sales management, but you'd really rather be a strong individual sales performer, it's best to divide these goals into two resumes to clarify things for employers.

2) Your credentials are SO broad that your resume goes on forever.

If your resume gives hiring authorities too much to read (especially if there's too many interesting facts that don't add up to one message), then it's time to narrow your focus.

Proving your fitness for a particular job is a matter of tuning the text around WHY you're qualified, and then backing up your story with achievements and other examples.

3) Tweaking your resume for each job application requires a major rewrite.

If you can't reasonably dedicate your qualifications profile or summary to one suite of skills, then you should separate out your career goals—and your resume versions.

This may involve extra effort on your part, including additional keyword research and a different presentation, but the end results will be worth it.

Remember, recruiters have enough resumes to read without getting confused by what you want to do! Zeroing in on your specific, measurable credentials allows you to quickly convey why you are qualified, eliminates the potential for confusion, and gets your resume noticed much faster.

About the Author
A unique resume authority, Laura Smith-Proulx is the Executive Director of An Expert Resume (, a career services company that caters to technical, sales, and organizational leaders, from managers poised for growth to senior-level executives. Laura has achieved a 98% success rate for thousands of clients through skilled writing/editing, insightful career coaching, and positive motivation.

Source: Free Resume Examples articles at

Benefits of Hiring Resume Writing Services

Free Resume Examples Articles : Benefits of Hiring Resume Writing Services by Adam Boulton

Resume writing services assist in making a resume stand out from the crowd and help get interviews quickly. Resume writing services have contacts with the clients throughout the process and have a personalized approach to develop the resume. The charges for resume writing differ from company to company and depend upon the type of resume.

Resume writing services are of two types viz proof reading and copyediting resume and professional resume preparation. In the first type there should be an own resume and sent it as an e-mail attachment. Services would then check for the grammar, punctuation and spelling and add comments where there is a need for rectification and return them. Services merely check and correct the existing errors but do not rewrite any resume Professional resume writing services prepare resumes based on the information provided like date of employment, specific positions of the employment and responsibilities. Accurate and specific details given help in drafting a complete and credible resume.

Professional resume writing services are inevitable because if there are spelling and grammatical errors they may automatically disqualify a resume form consideration. Since employers receive scores of resumes everyday it is imperative that one resume stands out to be noticed and resume-writing services do just that.

The job of a resume writing service can be made easier if the resume is short, identifying the skills clearly, being honest, not being modest, giving importance to content and always along with a covering letter.

Since the resume represents the person in his absence, it is the first contact with the prospective employer and therefore it should stand ahead above the rest. A resume written by professionals will highly increase the response rate and shorten the job search time .In fact the candidate who presents very well gets the job rather than who is better qualified. Professional writing services quickly screen out scores of resumes and see to it that the resume survives the initial ten-second scrutiny.

The resume writing services have an in-depth knowledge of what the employers exactly need and therefore skillfully convey the nuances and information that are needed to reach the objective of gaining an interview. Resume writing services determine what should be eliminated or included, identify the key words important to the resume being selected and minimize the factors that make the resume an average one and thus write a powerful resume that is appealing to the employer.

Landing the job is 70 percent skills and 30 percent presentation. To achieve this goal, it is important to choose the best resume writing service.

A service, which has a strong history record, that publish information regarding ownership, location and history without concealing them can be taken to be a reliable good resume writing service. Also companies that have partnerships or good affiliations with large organizations are good resume writing services.

About the Author
Visit for useful tips on drafting a comprehensive resume outlining all your academic and career achievements.

Source: Free Resume Examples artilces at

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Why Resume Cover Letter is Crucial

Free Resume Cover Letter Articles : Why Resume Cover Letter is Crucial by Adam Boulton

A cover letter accompanies each resume and it is sensible to devote the needed time and effort to write effective cover letters because the cover letter may either assist in obtaining a job interview or result in having the resume rejected. A cover letter should complement the resume. Its main objective is to interpret the data-oriented details and add a personal touch. A cover letter creates the first impression, which is the earliest written contact with a potential employer.

Generally there are three types of cover letters. The application letter that responds to a known job opening, the prospecting letter that inquires about possible positions and the networking letter that requests information and help in job search.

The cover letter to be written should be drafted based on the purpose and also the position sought. A cover letter need not be sent to every potential employer. An ideal cover letter explains the reasons for the interest in the company and highlights the relevant skills or experience. Cover letters express a high level of interest and knowledge about the position.

In a cover letter the first paragraph should explain why a cover letter is written, middle paragraph should explain what the applicant has to offer and the concluding paragraph details how the candidate would follow up.

While writing about the purpose of writing a cover letter, the person who referred to the potential employer-the mutual contact needs to be mentioned. It is to be mentioned from where the title of the position was obtained and the enthusiasm and the credentials suited to the position have to be explained.

In the case of a prospective letter, which is an unsolicited letter, it is important to capture the attention of the reader and the objective of the job should be stated very clearly. In a networking letter, the request should be made very clearly.

The cover letter should be like a preview to the resume which is dynamic and attention grabbing. A cover letter is the summary of the most important and relevant information in the resume.

Since the cover letter should contain information in an accessible manner, it should be clear, concise and to the point, personalized, catching the attention at first sight, linking the skills and experience and call for an action.

One opportunity to make a good impression and enter the second round is the first glance at the cover letter. It is rather difficult to write a targeted cover letter to each position applied for cover letters pave the way to get a better access to the interview regardless of the qualifications.

About the Author
Visit for useful tips on drafting a comprehensive resume outlining all your academic and career achievements.

Source: Free Resume Cover Letter articles at

Useful Tips to Draft a Convincing Resume

Free Resume Examples Articles : Useful Tips to Draft a Convincing Resume by Adam Boulton

A resume is a summary, which advertises the education and job experience of a jobseeker to gain an interview. But a resume will get the interview but not the job itself. So it is very vital that the resume produced represents the person and his or her achievements.

An ideal resume should set him apart from other applicants. Therefore it is advisable not to copy a standard resume template from the website or a book. It must be ensured that the resume is easily readable and the best to attract attention.

Before beginning to write a resume, it is necessary to get all the relevant information to hand because all the information given should be correct. The type of job applied for should also be taken into consideration. If it is a permanent one, the career development should be highlighted and if it is a temporary role or on a contract, the skills and the adaptability should be highlighted.

The important points to be included on the resume are the name, phone number, email address and also the residential address. Students should specify both their term and home addresses in the resume. Employers are interested in knowing what the applicant can achieve and so it is better to include the major achievements, which are relevant to the job. It is essential to give a concise history of the career in reverse chronological order with the most recent position coming first. If the application is for permanent roles, relevant training courses and awards must be included.

There are certain things that should not be included in a resume. The foremost point is not to write anything negative or critical about own self while writing a resume. Only the positive abilities must be highlighted. Poor grades or bad employment experiences can be avoided because it is impossible to lie in the resume. Another thing that should be avoided in a resume is the list of references. Strictly photographs on resumes must be avoided for two reasons. One obvious reason is that it is the experience and skills that count and not the appearance unless applying for a modeling or acting job. The second reason is employers use databases to store the resumes and a photo may not be scanned well and corrupt the application.

In majority of the cases listing the hobbies and interests is not needed. Regardless of the career there is no need to include the age, gender, date of birth, marital status and so on. There are certain common resume mistakes. A spelling mistake in a resume will cost an interview and the job and so spellchecker on the PC must be utilized. Too many fonts and font sizes on a resume reduces the chances of the employer reading the resume patiently. Normally it is better to confine the resume to two pages even if the career history is long. Bullet points are the best method to draw the attention of the reader and also to bring down the resume to two pages and word processed resumes are better since hand written resumes have become obsolete.

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Visit for useful tips on drafting a comprehensive resume outlining all your academic and career achievements.

Source: Free Resume Examples articles at

Writing a Killer Resume to Attract Prospective Employers

Free Resume Examples Articles : Writing a Killer Resume to Attract Prospective Employers by Adam Boulton

Resume is a document containing a summary highlighting the experiences and credentials and education usually written for the purpose of gaining an interview while seeking an employment. Since resume is the first thing that a potential employer encounters regarding the applicant, it carries a great significance.

A resume may be limited to one or two pages and can be organized in several ways. A chronological resume highlights a candidate's job experience in reverse chronological order, that is, the main body of the document shows the professional experience beginning from the most recent experience going chronologically backwards through a succession of previous experience. The main aim of a chronological resume is to give an impact of credibility through experience gained. This type of resume is the most common resume in use.

A functional resume highlights work experience and skills classified by skill area or job function. The objective of a functional resume is to focus on the skills particular to the kind of position being sought which directly gives weightage to professional capabilities and experiences as a backup. In contrast to chronological resume, functional resume will highlight these competencies and is most suited for jobs that require a particular skill or clearly defined personality traits.

A combination resume balances both the chronological and functional resumes, which typically leads with a functional list of job skills and then the chronological list of employers.

A resume is quite short and therefore contains experience directly relevant to the position and many resumes use precise keywords and action words that the employer is seeking for. Increasing number of job seekers and employers are using Internet based jobs and therefore an ideal resume should be long enough to provide a concise, adequate and accurate description of an applicant's employment history and capabilities. Job seekers are now able to reach the employers through direct e-mail contact and resume blasting which is the mass distribution of resumes to increase personal visibility within the job market. The simplicity and complexity of the resume formats produce results varying from person to person, industry and occupation.

Since many employers find candidates through search engines, it is important to use appropriate keywords while writing a resume. And they must choose a file format to maintain their resume. Unlike regular two page resumes, which highlight only the recent work experience and education, Internet resumes highlight the candidate's skill development over his or her career.

While writing a resume, emphasis should be placed on accomplishments, effective organization and more importantly the appearance of the resume. To achieve this, proper care should be taken to see to it that the font is plain and easy to read written on a resume quality paper, formatting the resume with simple bullets, highlighting the accomplishments and not taking away the attention.

While organizing a resume it is very important to start with an active descriptive action word, include numbers and percentages and restrict the resume to one page. The resume is nothing but an advertisement with the main purpose of winning an interview and to be an effective resume, it should stand out from the crowd.

About the Author
Resume is a document containing a summary highlighting the experiences and credentials and education usually written for the purpose of gaining an interview while seeking an employment. This article helps draft a killer resume that will surely attract prospective employers to call the candidates for an interview.

Source: Free Resume Examples at